Oft ist der Begriff Manualmedizin nicht klar verständlich. Viele fragen sich: „Was ist mit manueller Medizin eigentlich gemeint?“
The word “manual” comes from manus (Latin for hand) and simply means the use of hands. In fact, manual medicine is probably the oldest type of medicine, since humans have always tried to obtain information about an illness by using their hands, searching to provide relief or even heal the issue using specific manual techniques. This has been a part of all cultures and eras to varying degrees, and is sometimes linked to spiritual practices. Healers, shamans, medicine men, and others have used many different practices over the years.
Unfortunately, much of the knowledge about these hands-on techniques has been lost in modern Western societies. Medical studies teach very little about these manual methods – even though childhood development shows us how essential touch is to understanding different objects. No technical instrument can gather as much information as the hand in so little time, making it the perfect diagnostic tool. But we also need this incredible tool in order to carry out a treatment. The hand, with its great range of assessing data (temperature, consistency, distance, space, pressure, etc.) and its unique motor functionality, remains the gold standard of examination and therapy methods.
In manual medicine, the examiner’s hands specifically target the musculoskeletal system in search of structural and functional disorders, detecting information that X-rays or magnetic resonance cannot reveal. Treatments can begin as soon as this information becomes available. A variety of techniques make it possible to safely and effectively target many issues.
Anwendung findet die manuelle Medizin bei allen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, seien es Extremitäten, Gelenke oder Wirbelsäule.
Ich freue mich, wenn auch Sie mal „in meine Hände geraten“.
OA Dr. Reinhard Schmidt