Ansatzentzündung der Achillessehne (Insertionstendinitis) und Haglund-Deformität

Inflammation of the Area of Attachment of the Achilles Tendon (Insertion Tendinitis) and Haglund's Deformity:

Some runners complain of an osseous thickening (Haglund's deformity) directly at the attachment of the Achilles tendon and severe pain. This kind of insertion tendinitis (i.e. an inflammation of the tendon at the area of attachment) is caused by overexertion.

A thickening of the bone can further intensify these symptoms, and often a bursa in the affected area becomes inflamed, once again increasing the symptoms.

Irritation of the Achilles tendon can be caused by a Haglund’s deformity or frequently athletic training errorssuch as inadequate stretching and warming up. Injuries, however, (often small ruptures of the Achilles tendon that are initially not taken seriously) can lead to persistent problems with the Achilles tendon. Many runners with Achilles problems have shortened calf musculature due to inadequate stretching.

Image: Pes planovalgus (flat valgus foot)

Leg alignment issues can also lead to symptoms. Poorly fitted running shoes are also an issue: above all, overpronators develop problems with the Achilles tendon when carrying out fast training sessions with unsuitable running shoes. It is common for a combination of causes to then lead to problems with the Achilles tendon.


Many runners have a tendency towards overpronation (in which the inner edge of the foot lowers excessively and the foot bends inwards) in the supporting phase and to oversupination (dabei senkt sich der äußere Fußrand übermäßig und der Fuß knickt außenseitig ab) in der Abstoßphase. Dies führt zu einer asymmetrischen Belastung und Schmerzzuständen der Achillessehne. Eine Treadmill analysis und richtige Laufschuhe, eventuell in Kombination mit einem Beinachsentraining durch einen Sportphysiotherapeut, können Wunder wirken.

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