OUR TEAMAllManagement Prim. AO. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Gäbler Medical Director (Specialist for Trauma Surgery and Sport Traumatology) view CV → Martina Gollner Administrative Director (Management) view CV → OA Dr. Magdalena Kleemann (ehem. Materzok-Weinstabl) 1. Oberarzt (Orthopädie und Traumatologie) view CV → OA Dr. Caroline Merzitschka Fachärztin für Orthopädie und Traumatologie view CV → OA Dr. Philipp Muckhoff Deputy Medical Director Specialist for Orthopedics, Traumatology and Knee Surgery view CV → Dr. Med. Univ. Philippe Reuter Specialist for Orthopedics, Traumatology, Trauma Surgery, and Sports Traumatology view CV → OA Dr. Albert Zich Deputy Medical Director Specialist for Orthopedics and Traumatology view CV → OA Dr. Peter Stayner Emergency Doctor Specialist for Orthopedics and Traumatology view CV → Priv. Doz. Dr. Thomas Tiefenböck, MSc. Specialist for Orthopedics, Traumatology and Knee Surgery view CV → Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christopher Gonano Specialist for Anesthesia and Pain Medicine view CV → OÄ Dr. med. univ Julia Maria Reinhart Fachärztin für Neurochirurgie Facharzt (Neurochirurgie) view CV → Dr. Marcus Bartl Assistenzarzt in Ausbildung zum Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie view CV → Irena Czernecki Ordinationsassistentin Sophie Eitler Secretary Bianca Gäbler Backoffice Mag. Sabine Gutdeutsch Surgical Information view CV → Manuela Haidbauer Lead Secretary Marcel Haider Secretary Verena Hirnschall Lead Receptionist Lisa Hruza, B.A. Bereichsleitung OP-Aufklärung view CV → Mag.iur. Nina Hutter Assistant to the Administrative Director Surgical Information view CV → Suzanne Khalili Secretary Vincent Krupop Secretary Amina Marand Ordinationsassistentin Florian Postl Secretary Marija Vulovic Ordinationsassistentin Prim. AO. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Gäbler Medical Director (Specialist for Trauma Surgery and Sport Traumatology) view CV → Martina Gollner Administrative Director (Management) view CV → Mag. Sabine Gutdeutsch Surgical Information view CV → Lisa Hruza, B.A. Bereichsleitung OP-Aufklärung view CV → Mag.iur. Nina Hutter Assistant to the Administrative Director Surgical Information view CV → Our Partners BSTÄNDIG The bständig company is a traditional, independent, innovative business with 35 branches in Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland. Visit their website → ACHILL & SÖHNE Set your feet in this shop and save yourself the runaround and long waiting times of conventional custom insoles. Achill & Söhne orthotics are made directly in their specialized workshop and can be taken home on the spot. Visit their website → WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOUOur team of experts is always available to support you. Set up an appointment online now. CONTACT