is the largest joint in the human body and has an extremely complex structure. The femur and the tibia hinge together within the knee joint, and articular cartilage allows the joint surfaces of the upper and lower leg to glide against one another. Cartilage damage can occur as the result of acute injury or chronic stress due to malpositioning. The central and most important stabilization of the knee - to the front and back - is provided by the cruciate ligaments, while lateral stabilization is managed by the inner and outer collateral ligaments. The lateral and medial meniscus are crescent moon–shaped discs that act as shock absorbers and secondary stabilizers for your knees. Working together to stabilize the knee joint in all directions, the anterior cruciate ligament, the medial collateral ligament, and the medial and lateral meniscus are injured with particularly frequency.The simultaneous injury of these three parts has been dubbed the “unhappy triad”. As one of Vienna’s prime knee specialists, Dr. Gäbler sees around 4,000 patients with knee problems annually. The most challenging cases throughout Europe are transferred into his capable care at the Sportambulatorium Wien or the Center for Sports and Joint Surgery at Josefstadt Hospital.
Cruciate Ligament Rupture (ACL Tear)
Diagnose Kreuzbandriss: Die Kniespezialisten des „Sportambulatorium Wien – Zentrum für Orthopädie und Sporttraumatologie (ZOS)“, unter der Leitung des erfahrenen Kniechirurgen Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Gäbler, betreuen Sie …
Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Diagnose Kreuzbandriss: Die Kniespezialisten des „Sportambulatorium Wien – Zentrum für Orthopädie und Sporttraumatologie (ZOS)“, unter der Leitung des erfahrenen Kniechirurgen Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Gäbler, betreuen Sie …
The meniscus is made up of fibrous cartilage (similar to a spinal disc) and absorbs shock as well as stabilizing the knee joint...
The kneecap, also called the patella, is a flat, disc-shaped bone sheathed with articular cartilage on the back to create a sliding surface.
Collateral Ligaments
Collateral ligament injuries can occur in isolation or as a combination injury, primarily in conjunction with injuries to the cruciate ligaments. Isolated collateral ligament injuries...
Common causes of knee pain are malpositions of the knee joint.The leg axes must therefore be investigated carefully even in middle-aged people...
Runner's Knee / IBTS
ITBS (liotibial Band Syndrome) is the most common cause of pain on the outer side of the knee. Primarily occurring in runners, it is also known as runner’s knee...
Shin Splints
Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) is a condition commonly experienced by runners, triggered by muscular irritation.
Typical sensations are...
Plica Syndrome
The plica is a small fold in the synovial lining of the knee joint found in approximately 50-70% of adults.
Baker's Cysts
Swelling in the popliteal area is often symptomatic of a Baker's cyst.
This type of cyst mostly occurs as a result of chronic meniscus or cartilage damage...
Severe Arthrosis of the Knee Joint / Prosthetic Knees
Besteht massive Arthrose des Kniegelenks (häufig durch frühere Verletzungen & Gelenksabnutzung) – und sind Alternativen nicht mehr wirksam, ist die Implantation einer Knieprothese sinnvoll.